Every now and then I have to do something with the little people that got me into this whole wonderful photography adventure (my children),boy it sure has been a ride too, with all the ups and downs, mostly ups for sure, with the trials and errors of learning the ins and outs,what works with running my business and don't work, have to say I have honestly worked real ,real hard the past 5 years to get as far as I have come and have so much more to still learn.It's one of those things were I am not were I was but I aint were I'M going to be,,;) I really believe though it takes full honesty, working for the things you need as you go and working your way up to being were you want to be,. Buuut back to the cute subjects at hand, I love taking pictures of my kids, but every now and then gotta have to think and step outside the box and do something different, I definitely am that lady that can't always stay the same and do the same things over and over, I have to get out of routine and structure,lol,, Just ask my husband,, These children mean so much to me and when I feel like I am starting to sink in life, I first take my eyes back to JESUS and then to my family and all the sudden feel ever so blessed again. My son T got out of these shots due to being out of town but I will get him in the next ones,hehehehe,, Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday and these sweet ladies put smiles on your faces and If your facing some scarring battles, just remember to look up,You will get through it,focus on the things that matter in life, the people that love you and the people you love and smile cause JESUS loves you more than you will ever know.

scrub girls, remember to wash behind your ears |
what better way to get bathed than by your 2 older sisters ;) |
her smile is contagious!! |
Do not forget to look up!! |